Razorfish 2021 Year End Celebration

How do you have a company wide celebration when everyone is not only working from home, but also scattered throughout the US and Canada? A virtual year end celebration! Our team was tasked with putting together a 4+ hour event with separate entertainment tracks of impressive talent. I was the lead designer and creative director for all design assets for this project and we received glowing reviews on the creative for the event.
Platforms: Web, Print, Swag, Live Event


Lawrence Wolf

Key Art

The theme for this event, chosen by a panel of Razorfish employees across multiple departments, was “Refresh, Renew, Recharge”. This theme was chosen with a design ask to show a sunrise or sunset to communicate the feeling of renewal. My challenge was to find a way to adhere to a theme that lends itself more to relaxing and calming feelings, but inject excitement and energy to match the talent that was going to be featured during this event (Broadway singers, live painting, drag bingo, dueling pianos, etc!)

To do this, I decided to focus on the idea of a sunset, and the energy that nighttime provides. When the sun goes down, lights turn on, and cities come alive. I created a mood board as an aid to pitch this idea to the panel and it was a hit! I moved from there to working on a custom illustration to use as the key art for the event.


Site Build

Next, was to build out the event site and start breaking down the key art to use for assets. I built the site using SplashThat, the event management software that is used by PublicisGroupe. There were a lot of limitations to this site building software that required me to make scrappy adjustments here and there, including compromises for design, but overall I am happy with the finished product. I chose to feature a sunset/sunrise gradient gif behind the logo to tie in the event theme

I also created a custom coloring sheet for kids to color while their parents were attending the year end celebration.



Interstitials were created to provide context at the start of and between acts. I kept these rather simple but wanted to continue the look and feel of the event. At the start of the event, I featured a countdown on the key art computer illustration.


Holiday Box

As part of the year end celebration, Razorfish sent each employee a holiday gift box. The biggest challenge of this box was that due to shipping delays and stock issues, I had 2 business days to design the entire box. It was intense! I met the deadline and all boxes were delivered on time before the event.

Inside, we featured the following items: water bottle, notebook, dry erase board with matching marker and a light up spinner to use during the event, stickers, and socks.

Video Credit: Migdalia Rhodes